Legal Notices

This area contains information on the organizational system adopted by our company and the applicable regulations, as well as the disclosures prepared on the basis thereof, with details of the documents published in the respective sections.

Access to the site

Access to the site and its navigation by users are free. Its use takes place in compliance with these legal notices, which are considered accepted following access to the site by the user.


Users browse the site under their own sole responsibility, recognizing that it is provided without guarantee of its regular use and that it could include defects, be temporarily inaccessible and / or operate with delayed modes. We will not be liable for any damage and/or loss deriving from or in any way connected to the use and/or operation of the site, such as, by way of example, damages for loss of business and profits, interruption of activity, loss of commercial information.


Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this site is our exclusive property. It is expressly forbidden to use, duplicate, modify, alter, publish and partially republish the contents of this site for purposes other than personal and limited to the use of the same. Any use of such contents is permitted with the written permission of our Company by using the words: “Copyright” , “all rights reserved”.

Liability for Forum, Newsgroup and Open Source Content

We do not exercise and cannot exercise any control over the contents of public forums, newsgroups and similar tools, limiting ourselves to carrying out “mere transportation” activities. Therefore, it cannot be held responsible in any way for any illegal acts resulting from the use of such content.

External links to our website and mirror

We are not responsible for the contents accessible through links on its website. Likewise, we are not responsible for what is contained and declared in the mirrors hosted.

Use of the contents of links external to our website

Users are required to check the conditions of use of the content accessible through the site. We make no commitments regarding the permanence, accessibility and usability of the contents themselves.

Intellectual property

Unless otherwise specified, the graphic and HTML layout, the individual graphic elements, the texts, the structure and the architecture of the site and its services are the exclusive property of us and their reuse is forbidden without written authorization of our Company.

Limitation of Liability

We are solely responsible for the contents published on its own and assumes no obligation towards the contents deriving from the possible use of external links that make it possible to reach information provided by third parties. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the correctness and lawfulness of third-party content and information that can be reached through the use of the site.

Personal data and cookies treatment

The use of the site takes place in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data. Please refer to the relevant information on the site.